The way I higher anyone is to find people who already do amazing work, approach them for advice on my projects, see if their a fit for our team and skills - then over time (as I work on a project with them) convince them that our company is the best opportunity they have. So, back to your questi...
The common theme is to create something truly engaging for your market, at the right time: Instagram was released at the perfect time when many people had iPhones with a decent camera but limited ways of sharing those photos while on the go. SnapChat tapped into a similar (though younger) demog...
Recently, I've hit a "tipping point" where I have enough content (blog posts, podcasts, interviews, etc...) that companies now regularly seek me out for advice. "To be known, you must teach" - Nathan Barry After I wrote "This is a web page" ( I was contacted b...
I know a few, send me your details and I'll see what I can do to connect you with them.
What kind of Culture do you want your company to exemplify? Culture being the shared values - a sense of right and wrong - and principles - guidelines for taking action - of any collective group, what you actually would like to analyze more deeply is...yourself. In the startups I have mentored...
Just do it. Ideas are a dime a dozen. Actual implementations are rare as Purple Lemmings. If you do something... anything... to move your startup to the first sale mark, you're well ahead of most. Only real consideration is massive action generates massive cash.
Assuming you're utilizing some sort of native app to display that QR code you could consider finding a way to incentive the user to make sure they continue to use the application, regardless of what the gym offers or suggests "off-app" once they get in the door. Maybe adding a layer of gamificat...
Great question! I believe that Hootsuite might be one of your best solutions. It is a free tool and you can publish through several social media platforms at once. For a free account, however, they limit you to 3 accounts I believe: There is also Buffer as we...
This is an interesting idea. In fact I faced a similar problem recently - I wanted to pick up a sofa that I'd bought from ebay. My options were - borrow a big van and drive it there and back, hire a man and a van to do so. I chose the man and the van via this service - ...
I have built the revenue of client companies as well as my own startups and built a consumer-facing company to $9M in five years. 1. Never rely on friends and family input 2. Do the Due Diligence 3. Know your product's core customer 4. Justify the value your product provides to its core customer ...