Fair Share is good but a partnership or even a director position is something you may want to think about based on the value add the legend will do to your business apart from lending his name. However if your business is going to piggy back on his name & reputation and he is not offering any in...
Number one way is talk to people in your network, they don't have to be in SV. You might be surprised who actually knows who, once you start asking. Outside of that you can try looking on platforms like gust.com and or use https://angel.co/jobs, hope this helps! Call me for more help!
Hi: Now that you have some experience under your belt, you know what you like and don't like about a relationship with an accountant. You also know more questions to ask before you start your next engagement, such as: * What do you base your fees on? * What do you provide on a monthly basis for y...
Well done for creating the app. Great question. Regarding setting the price: I would try run a survey with some screen shots that show the game and it's purpose/experience, and ask potential users how much they would pay. I would run one survey with open end questions, such as: "which payment me...
Hi This is a very broad question on: 'what makes someone a successful entrepreneur?' and 'how to raise seed funding?' Entire books have been written on how this is done, so any attempt to give you a professional answer in just a few lines would be unprofessional. Nevertheless, I will say that th...
That's a huge question that can only be answered with the "depends" word! But a good way to start is to look at the market. Doing a market analysis to give you an idea about the demand and competitors would be a good way to start. Then look at your production costs - is this a product you can li...
Simply put, If under 18, I'd instruct the student to persuade his parents to start a LLC, Trust, or Corporation. Analyzing what would be profitable and locating passion projects within the venture. I'd show the student how easy building business credit is when you have a business and how much le...
You need to stock the shelves with products that your customers want to buy, but you don't need to create a Wal-mart size store right away. You are right to focus on one local market first. Figure out how many transactions you need to prove product/market fit and then work backwards. If you ne...
Fantastic question! First, a little about me and why I am qualified to answer. My father served 19 years of a 20 year sentence in prison where he passed and I had challenging background. I never met my birth mother and met my birth father at the age of 18. I've been on my own since I was 16 an...
I would suggest you search for and read out blogs. I can't think of any entrepreneurs who aren't also blogging. I have two blogs: brightideas.co and http://groovedigitalmarketing.com