
Results for: Starting Up

I would say, what you are hearing is correct - I would take all 4 of those as MAIN factors. Maybe add another two - Verticals that you are an expert in. - Verticals where you will have enough $$ to break into / develop / support for some time, until you start making profits. Most startups op...


In my experience a technical co-founder's primary responsibilities are to be a visionary first, a hacker second and a manager third. first you recruit a tech co-founder to help visioneer what your product can, will and should do. then you have them support the one key part of the development pr...


Theil invested 500k when Facebook had 9mn users. If you have that, you can raise way more and faster. Historic examples don't help. If you don't have anything developed, you can give away up to 15%, but the days of investing in companies who don't have a product market fit are pretty much over...


Depends on where your team resides. In SF, you could use an average of $135k for all-in costs for each employee. In Toronto, you could probably drop that by 20-30k per person. But there are so many other factors related to burn beyond headcount that just using a headcount cost + overheard to e...


Honestly, you're going to have a hard time getting any company to do a run this small. The main reason is that setup costs to configure and turn on their machines are going to be so high that your unit cost per box will be $10-$20. Custom cardboard doesn't really start to make sense until 500-10...


Q: How to build a dream house when you are not a builder? A: Talk to an architect ... or a foreman ... or someone who has built a house like the one you envision. If you're not sure what kind of scope your web project requires, that's fine. At least, begin by talking to a software developer or...


Hi! I'm no expert on this but I'll give you my advice on my general insights... Because you are a small company, assuming just yourself and whether or not your competing with any other team, your website's route display is a huge plus from your potential clients perspective. It gives them an id...


It's hard to give a really cut and dried answer without knowing all the details, but here are some tips based on my experience: First the bad news: from the way your question is worded, it sounds like you built the app without validating first. What I mean by that is that you didn't go out to th...


This is a very complex question. I have personally gone through funding, I've used angellist and other platforms for this purpose. The reason for needing funds is not a concern for you at this time. Your concern is approach. Focus on that. Check out my blog Http://


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