
Results for: Startup Consulting

Where will traffic to the site come from? Do you have a target market identified? Beyond "people who need personal coaching services"? (Which is pretty non-specific to me) Do you know if they are willing to pay for your content? Just putting up a blog is not enough, for either case.


Yes, you absolutely can have your virtual office wherever you wish for public facing correspondance. it is a good idea for your registered agent to be where you are incorporated. Most of your customers will not know the name of the corporation (unless writing a check to you or become a vendor f...


First of all, you are not alone! Almost anyone with a successful business has left a trail of half-finished ideas and projects. Sometimes we realize we don't have the skills to execute our ideas, or we don't have the capital, the resources, whatever. Your question makes me think it's not that yo...


This is hard to answer without seeing your current title; I have wondered this about my own titles, but I tried to make them the same search terms that my prospective callers would be entering. This unfortunately makes them boring, but I do not think this is an opportunity for intrigue. I suppos...


Instead of calling it "comedy", aim for humor. Humor that supports a key discovery helps to anchor that insight in the investor's mind. I've coached many pitches, and find that when presenters are nervous they try to go for an improvised laugh, thinking it will cut the tension. However, in most ...


Just because two people are connected to each other on LinkedIn, doesn't mean that these two people have a strong connection to one another. So first, ask your Mentor directly whether (s)he knows this person well enough to make an introduction. Also, I'd suggest that instead of asking that th...


I, personally, would recommend Google Analytics. They are the best at gathering information on customers, web traffic, and user behavior. They have a very good online course which I'll link here for you. I've been using google analytics for a whil...


Much like negotiating a salary or company valuation, your objective is not necessarily to assign the perfect value. Your objective is to add a highly motivated partner to your business, feel great about it, and get to work on the important stuff. You want to mitigate the possibility for resen...


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