First of all, don't be afraid to share and exposing your business model. The Fear of stealing ideas is limiting you. I don't know your business model, your idea, your service or product, but no one of these will be the key of your success. The people, and how you talk to your market, will be. ...
There are various templates that you can find using a Google search. However, it is sometimes difficult for a founder with limited experience writing business plans to write a plan that is clear to outsiders - the founder is often too deep in the weeds. The first thing you need to do is be clea...
You really have to think about the objective. Why do you want to do it? Assume it is to drive traffic? Best way, is to focus on creating content that people want to read and share, then pushing out with paid support via social platforms, influencers and partners.
Regardless of the industry/website type, use a service like to get some qualitative feedback. It often reveals some of the technical or user experience issues that you can become blind to having worked on the site for so long. On the day of launch, put some kind of prominent bann...
Greater risk = greater equity. How likely is this to fail or just break even? If you aren't receiving salary yet are among 4-6 non-founders with equivalent sweat investment, all of whom are lower on the totem pole than the two founders, figure out: 1) Taking into account all likely outcomes, w...
Ask yourself: -Do you believe in their vision? -Would you leave everything you have to work with them to make their dream come true? -Do you have strong data that tell you that what they say will happen it's true? -Do you think the founders are the best to accomplish what they are going for? -Is...
1. I would attend Demo days for startups and plant seeds there. Attending meetups can be very helpful as well. 2. Subscribe to Crunchbase. When you see certain companies have raised certain about of money reach out to them. You can go cold or through an introduction. I am a firm believer in d...
Revenue solves all problems. If you want me to be more technical, cash-flow.
I've discussed ideas with hundreds of startups, I've been involved in about a dozen startups, my business is at $1M+ revenue. The bad news is, there is no good way to protect ideas. The good news is, in the vast majority of cases you don't really need to. If you're talking to people about your ...
What's the business model for the freelancing platform? Have you looked at They are a startup concierge matchmaking subscription service for founders looking to share equity or cash/equity splits with contributors. Are you familiar with I thin...