
Results for: Startups

I've been working with funded startups for a couple years as a content marketing consultant and my business has grown significantly year over year. Relationships are the king of generating new business in this space. It's important to become a key part of the startup community in your area and ...


Some more information about your situation would help. What is your product? What problem does it solve for buyers? Do they acknowledge that problem exists, and value fixing it? Are they willing to trade money for your solution? Do you have a "ladder" for people to buy increasingly valuable thin...


Wow, I'm not really surprised no one has responded to this question. I mean no offense, but your question is full or jargon and is hard to follow the real problem statement. My first confusion comes your multi-identical professional? I have worked with many startups, some well funded, I have rai...


Go to and scroll down to find the Startup Basics button. Felix Dennis was crystal clear in his book How To Get Rich that giving up equity was crazy. I agree with him. If, and only if, a co-founder can strongly impact the growth and effectiveness of the business...then I m...


Honestly? Me. Admittedly, my focus is very narrow -- brand names and domains. But I see an appalling number of good startups begin by blundering in that narrow little area I know. Just as many get it right; yet even the fortunately named sometimes just luck out, without really thinking things...


Some questions you'll want to answer before moving ahead: How strongly do you believe this idea can become a successful product? Why do you think they approached you? How comfortable do you feel running a company owned by someone else? What happened in your previous CEO role? What confidence...


That will depend on your nationality. If you are a citizen in either country, the governments have various organizations that will help. If you are not then you need to do a business plan and start pitching it. Without one, you will have no chance and certainly not from a website. Everybody will...


Hello. My experience showed me that it is definitely not easy to get money from a bank especially in the early stages. It really depends on what type of business you are starting. Banks would usually look for risk management in the form of assets you own in case the business doesn't progress as...


The key to understanding if you are going in the right direction from a product standpoint is to get it in front of users - so if you haven't let some of your potential end users spend time with the product, or at least put the concept in front of them to solicit feedback - that would be priority...


One idea that's worked well for my clients has been to create a Skunk Works, which is effectively an autonomous, outside-the-bureaucracy, kinda-sorta-secret R&D team. I've been on these teams before, and if they're truly left alone with a pile of ideas and resources, they can accomplish incredib...


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