You should include the new job on your resume. Honesty is essential as you begin a relationship with a potential investor or lender. Be realistic with yourself and with the lender regarding your time commitment. Starting a new job and a new company at the same time seems overwhelming. The pr...
You will have to do market research to identify the right target for your app. What type of content are you offering? Typically this research should have been done before building the app. Market research is the first step in app planning and strategy.
Make a list of every word that you feel is associated with what you do, or that invoke a feeling you want associated with your brand. Some of them can be things like "rocket" or "super". Make the list long and then just start stringing two of the phrases together to see which ones sound good. My ...
The SEO budget for a new startup can vary depending on the specific needs and goals of the business. Here are some factors to consider when determining a reasonable SEO budget: Competitiveness of the industry. Size of website Goals Geographic location In general, SEO budget for new startup rang...
I have a program that goes through that with you. Delaware is good for incorporation because of its tax laws. But there is much more to consider than just that. First you need to clarify your idea. Determine if you are ready to run a business and have the mindset for it. Then, look at your t...
There are always two ways to look at any opportunity: 1. It can't be done Vs Why it can't be done? 2. It ain't feasible VS What should be done to make it feasible? 3. Value Vs Profitability= How to achieve the critical balance? 4. Approach, just like David vs Goliath. Is it too big to hit or too...
Simple question: Simple answer. Yes.
There are a lot of things to keep in mind that would make this answer REALLY long. But, one of the most important is simply to remember your audience. As educators, we tend to get caught up in scholarly jargon and forget the simplicity that we need to reach our audience sometimes. Also, be spe...
Hi, my name is Kruno, I had several startups and several partners in them. First of all, you should know how much money founders invested in the startup, and then how much money you need to bring inside of the company and in which period. Second, if this idea is a long shot and "maybe" can be the...