
Results for: Startups

It is the old question of time vs money, that most entrepreneuer face. First everyone assumes their idea is great. I am not talking to you personally but the statistics show that this is not the truth. Even with careful market research (not just asking Google and friends) there is always a chanc...


Hi there, I recommend creating a job description and posting it on Indeed. We've had success with Indeed as it doesn't cost us to post jobs on their platform. Also, speak with a Business Attorney as they can guide you on what to offer your new hires if you're offering equity vs. salary. Hope this...


Water. The primary reason for any inflammation has as a primary cause or contributing factor... dehydration... Target 1oz/1lb/day of water, moving up to 2oz/lb/day. So if you weight 100lbs, start out with 100 oz./day, moving up to 2oz./day. My intake for years runs between 1.5-2+ oz./day. Th...


It is a very good idea to have a consultation marketplace for finance experts. The customers will be able to ask questions and if they find suitable answers they can get on a call with the experts. Since you have already found answers to the questions below: - What is the problem? - Who are you...


It's really ill-advised to solicit your vision from anyone. In my 20 years of building, investing and supporting tech companies, I don't know of a single success story that has it's origins in someone with your approach. Running a tech startup is incredibly hard. It demands sacrifices few are ...


Trust the opinion of the designer, don't make it a free for all of feedback from everyone and your mother. Thatis how bad logos happen. Work with them to decide the best one based on your business goals. They will appreciate you asking their professional opinion on the design.


As lawyers have jumped in already with lawyerly advice, I'll offer you a different perspective to your question. Apple allows two types of publishers into the app stores. Individuals and Corporate Accounts. Corporate Accounts require a Dun & Bradstreet number which of course, require a corpor...


Kudos to you for seeing the value in great copy. I love that you mentioned 37signals, which is an organization that's made copywriting part of almost everyone's jobs (or so they've shared on their blog). MailChimp and Zendesk are two others that people often point to re: great copy that builds a ...


The first question I would ask back to you is how many clients you have currently. What is your retention rate? Your capture rate? From there you could develop a strategy to capture the next 5,000. If you haven't enlisted certain marketing channels or networks, you may be able to make a predictio...


Have great conversations with qualified prospects. That's the simple answer. Do this enough times and you WILL get a client. Now the hard part: How do you get great conversations with qualified prospects? 1. Find a group of people who have a serious problem *they acknowledge they have* (that...


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