Hi, The first step to getting the right feedback for your pitch is to find the people who you think are qualified to comment in the field. In terms of expertise, you should look for these: -Previous experience / involvement in startups -Experience or involvement in VC's or Seed Funds -A startup ...
Always look for the free avenues first before putting down any dollars as you are running lean as it is. Look to on-line forums, groups in your target market that are discussing the subject area and begin engaging and sharing insights to show credibility for your offering. As you move forward, be...
Would need to know a heck of a lot more about your company, product, or service before I can give you advice on this :). Can you elaborate please?
Standard here is 1% with a 12 month vest, assuming the kind of involvement you're describing. message me your email on Clarity and I'll send you the standard docs which also spell out involvement. I've answered this exact question before so I would suggest to all new Clarity members that you ...
Start up ideas cannot be fabricated like that. The best start ups ideas come from the "why" and solve a problem that the person is passionate about. It's not just coming up with an idea, it's about whether the idea is solving a problem along with its acceptance and sustainability. As far as bei...
The most powerful element of your brand in the early-stage of your startup is your reputation. Every interaction you have can positively build (or negatively impact) your brand. This can't be bought, but can be easily lost. Common ways I've seen start-ups lose their reputation early: 1) Not l...
The previous answers given here are great, but I've copied a trick from legendary investor Monish Pabrai that I've used in previous startups that seems to work wonders -- especially if your company does direct B2B sales. Many Founders/ CEOs are hung up on having the Founder/ CEO/ President titl...
You can find startup job / cofounder opportunities at these sites: http://jobs.startupxplore.com/ https://angel.co/jobs https://underdog.io/candidates (choose the 'remote' option) http://www.startuphire.com/ If you'd like to talk about startup culture in general, or a specific idea you have an...
The biggest question you'll have to answer at this point is whether you and the founder can get along. You've already highlighted issues with the founder but does this bother you? Are both your goals aligned and do your values agree with him/her? In a previous experience, I brought someone on w...
I think it would be vital to the company's survival that roles and responsibilities are clearly defined. If there's grey area, I've found that work tends to gravitate toward the more motivated party, and the social/power structure gets weird. I started a company with four founders, and we didn'...