Generally speaking, Yes. I say this for a couple primary reasons. 1) If you do not place value in your product, why should the customer? And if you are not charging for it you are not placing value on it. 2) the customer will be more "invested" in the success of something that has cost them s...
A couple of quick notes to add on top of some good answers: 1. Have you done any blogging / writing around the concept? If so make sure you have google analytics on your site and you have demographics functionality turned on. You will get some good high level demographic info on who is interes...
Typically Apple and Google will consider coins and credits a type of digital currency. Under their terms and services these types of products in an application must be transacted through the AppStore and Play Store so they get the 30% cut. When I worked for Groupon, building their Android appli...
If you mean in Clarity then contact support from your profile dropdown. If you mean in a product you are creating (as this question if filed under 'Startup Consulting') then most definitely yes. As this is a complex area when requirements gathering, I setting up a call with me. I help software ...
Passion may open the door to excitement but skills make it an actively revolving door where value in service or product is exchanged for valuable currency. Skills can trump passion unless you're very skilled at what your passionate about. Some questions may want to be considered when considerin...
You have two choices: add the talent to manage the PR and marketing activities to your team or outsource it. A good source of names if you wish to outsource it can be found here
Hello: Sounds like you have some pieces in place, which is good. To get the rest secured, consider the following: * Develop a financing plan that encompasses how the money you raise will drive your business' growth as well as how much you need - it sounds like your initial approach fell a bit sho...
Finding focus is a constant struggle, especially when you're in a position that requires you to respond to other people (clients, contractors, employees). Between the outside forces that tug at our attention and the internal tendencies to procrastinate and spiral off-topic, it's very easy to feel...
Web development jobs ask for experience, but what they're actually referring to is ability. You can "hack" this process by building projects publicly. Use GitHub, contribute to open source, and continue building for-fun projects to grow your skills. Send your GitHub link along with applications...
By far, it is managing cash flow. You need to be VERY good at it. There is an extremely fine balance between the speed you can invest and the speed at which you get new customers (i.e. revenue). And it is very easy to tip it of one way or another. If you are too risk averse, you will not invest...