A good question. The fact that you don't have revenue yet may be result of a number of factors. Without knowing more specific information about your product, key customer segments, your team, and other key data, it's not possible to give you a definite continue/or shut down recommendation. ...
Team is the most critical component for a venture builder organization. You need to hire people who have the right "studio mindset", who accept your vision and operating procedures and who can work on multiple startup initiatives in parallel. Also here you can find some more hints about CEO sele...
The best idea is the one that A) you are passionate about B) people want C) is scalable See below for further discussion: "A" is useful because it helps ensure that you'll stick with your startup over time and through difficulties, and that you have an above average knowledge of the field to ...
Without question you can! I've put out over 150 apps into the app store without knowing how to code and have gotten over 1 million downloads in the consumer space. You just need to find the best people to help you see your vision through. Start by putting together a clickable prototype so ...
Startups are, by definition, "temporary organization designed to search for a repeatable and scalable business model.” (as reported by Steve Blank). The main bits differentiating startups from mature companies are: * Narrow target - startups always start small, focusing on a narrow niche/subset...
You can really introduce a subscription model in the beginning. This would mean you could have a free model and a subscription model. You would have to make the subscription model more robust than the free one in order for people to want to subscribe but the free model could at least help you to ...
Depending on your individual circumstances, your spouse may be entitled to as much as 50 percent of your business in a divorce. Since it is probably safe to assume that you will not want your ex-spouse to remain in your life as a business partner, what can you do to protect your business? Althoug...
I originally answered this question in Quora. Here's my interpretation: Very tough to sleep most nights of the week. Weekends don't mean anything to you anymore. Closing a round of financing is not a relief. It means more people are depending on you to turn their investment into 20 times wha...
There are many different kinds of investment that you might be looking for. I am afraid you will need to provide further details about your startup's niche, your investment goals, etc. before recommending any particular path. There are angel investors, there are VCs, etc. and also incubators / ac...
100%. Many companies "Pivot" and when they do, they let their current users know that the service is shutting down - but that they're now moving onto something new (or launching a new company). Flowtown (my last company) did this 3 times. We even leveraged users to test the new product before ...