An open beta or an initial limited access for 100 users, or something like that? If it's a good game, it'll grow organically from there. Encourage people to share their experiences via Facebook and Twitter.
I'd recommend attending trade shows and conferences focused on the tech industry. Another great option would be running a Facebook Ad campaign targeting organizations who best represent your ideal client. You can also try LinkedIn Sales Navigator and cold emails to cultivate your b2b leads. An...
Besides what others have answered, I'd consider to use a tool like ChatGPT to get started. I just asked it for competitors of and for "sites / apps targeted at medical students looking to learn anatomy" and it gave me a good and comprehensive answer in just a couple of minutes :)
The starting point is always getting clear about the problem. What does you new word press product actually do and what problem does it solve for people? I am an online sales strategist so can help set up your email marketing, build the strategy and help you source the best people to get it do...
Not really. A startup's need is always revolving around what the founders can pull off- how creative and how shameless you are. Lets think outside the box here: If you absolutely have to market during a break, follow your potential users. Showcase at events, attent clubs, the beach, go to the d...
You would promote this like any other way, through such as your personal social networks online, build a reputable LinkedIn network, attend and present chamber of commerce meetings, rotary clubs, etc. if be interested in something like this. I actually think I had one before but might have gotten...
Well, the most basic answer is that you could look for certifications. However, that only takes you so far. Any PPC professional worth his/her salt also has experience with PPC management software (Kenshoo, Marin, Acquisio), etc. Ask what experience they have and what they like dislike. I hav...
Hello! You need to consider where UI and UX come in and why. Typically, by the time UI/UX is designed and then reviewed a range of activities must've taken place, e.g.: (1) Someone defined the proposition, product or service which the UI/UX is supposed to satisfy. (2) Someone created a project a...
Without a dedicated advertising budget, you're going to have to put in a lot of man hours with guerrilla marketing at first. I would create a quick 5-10 slide PDF highlighting the benefits of the service and the real value to your clients. This can be at the ready as a followup to actual conver...
The most effective way to do this is through customer development. Customer development is a non-sales conversation with potential customers to get a feel for their roles, goals, and pain points. Don’t go for the sale during these conversations. Customer development is about applying a hypoth...