Hi: Sounds cool. Not clear on your target export markets, but some things to consider: 1. Identify your optimal customer and the problem you're resolving for that customer. Quality? Cost? Availability? 2. Research the pathways your product has to get into that optimal customer's hands. Wholesaler...
Using their logo implies that they are truly partners / customers of yours. Is this the case? It not, it is grossly misleading. Otherwise, I would check with them, out of courtesy. They may not want their competitors knowing what software services they use. I don't believe you are legally obli...
This is a common challenge for e-commerce brands. Amazon sales can quickly grow and account for an excessive percentage of total revenue leading to concentration risk. So diversifying your revenue sources is important but not always easy to accomplish. If you're operating your own e-commerce web...
I might suggest starting with Bitly and exploring the possibility of getting a custom branded shortener, which you can set up through Bitly once the domain is purchased. For example, my website is philpallen.com but I shorten all links to philp.al/link so it's more professional. I feel like many...
Trying to get free advice about starting an international pharmaceutical company probably isn't the best way to go, man. That's your biggest red tape.
In order to even attempt to answer your question and a person would need a deep understanding of your business, the services/products offered, your business model, and maybe most importantly your market. And in my opinion discovering a powerful and effective USP can be one of the most valuable a...
From a web presence / marketing perspective, it'll take you a while to be a true competitor. That's not to say that you can't make some strong headway, just don't think that you'll get top search engine rankings for the most highly competitive phrases within the first year or two. However, with...
Interesting. I have done this on a couple of occasions, maybe not this exact model but close. One approach would be a Speakers Bureau. Another would be to structure it as a full service agency or as "full" as your colleagues' backgrounds permit. Be sure to create a vesting schedule, even sweat e...
Many of the target groups you listed have their own proprietary contract processes/apps in place. Low hanging fruit may be independent consultants, freelancers, and small business owners. They deal with contracts all the time. If you are going to continue targetting real estate, financial, and ...
Getting people on the "dance floor" is always tough. Less than 2% of people online engage and in my opinion, LinkedIn Groups seem to be even more challenging than Facebook Groups because LinkedIn is the business network and people are more cautious about affecting their professional brand online....