The credits that you already received are under AWS Activate Founders. Quoting from the AWS website, "If you have previously received AWS Activate Founders benefits, you are ineligible to apply again. You can only receive AWS Activate Founders benefits once." However, check if you are eligible f...
Why not try or Elance, one of those type of sites. Surely you can find someone skilled, with past experince easily viewable, looking for something a little more "ongoing". Best of luck with it!
You can build based on your traffic a fee for backlinks based on industry and it could be a price list for 1 star, 2 stars, 3 stars, ..., 5 stars. By saying so you can stimulate entrepreneurs and blogers to engage people to vote on a small widged you can build and put on their website in order ...
Why not offer all three as services? All are so helpful and appeal to a wide audience. Is there a reason you are narrowing it down to one of those options? You should always be learning anyway, so I love your drive to learn more when a project comes in, but create your own projects in order to ex...
You have to have something worth selling....and position it properly which means clear calls to action. Most sites are informative and miss the calls to action...people are lazy, they won't look hard. Personally I leave if not interested
Step 1. Write 10 epic posts that mention the work of other well known influential people in your niche Step 2. Reach out to these people and ask them if they'd give you their opinion on your posts. Get them to leave their opinion in the comments. Keep asking until you have at least 10 people who'...
If you sign up with KDP select, you'll be given 5 days where you can drop the price to free. You'll be restricted to only publish on their platform, however. Hit up your email list, use sites like BookBub, or in order to prepare for the discount launch. Start the deal on...
I would be happy to discuss this with you. Are you looking for a prototype or a full blown product? I specialize in development, and product planning. Please feel free to get in touch.
Dilip was very kind in his response. My answer might be a bit on the "tough love" side. But that's for you to decide. My intention, just for the record, is to help you (and those like you) on your path to success. And that starts with having a viable philosophy about entrepreneurial-ism and busin...
I think it's important to understand your business goals before jumping into app development. Have you created a Lean Canvas or something like that? Do you know who the customer is and what they want? Has the developer built anything that they can show, even a mock-up or prototype? It's tempting ...