
Results for: Wellness

Really good question. You can do it via one of three ways: 1) Provisional Patent. if an implementation of their system to his new market would be patentable (i.e. using machine X to make donuts instead of jewelry), then you could file a provisional patent on the idea. Provisional patents are ver...


What about a "Financial Minimalism" blog? Even places like the "simple" dollar is pretty busy and cluttered. You could boil each concept down to it's core fundamentals and then provide the absolute easiest solutions you can come up with. For instance, instance of have 8 blogs about each facet o...


We've used MeetingBurner with success for our webinars. The price point for a large audience is not too high. It also has recording and automated webinar capabilities.


When I built my first company, I targeted a niche and was able to corner it. Is attribute the success of the company to a few key factors: helpfulness, consistently excellent service, and high relevance. The best way to get the support of a niche is to be truly useful to that niche. Where do t...


Your question is too generic and carries no details about what kind of business you are looking or and what niche you want to target but if you would like to sell the business when it matures (or nearly matures), better go for a single product business as it will have less complications and an ea...


I have been working with HubSpot for almost 5 years. I've consulted with *hundreds* of companies in a very similar position to you. In my experience, the man-hours it takes to manage multiple systems cobbled together far outweigh the dollars a system like HubSpot cost. Further, there are countl...


This product is very interesting. I would love to learn more. I am Arizona based Strategy professional, as in I am an actual graduated strategy professional, not just a self touting one. I honestly, don't see any difference in what you are selling whether is white label or not. I know there is a...


Yes, absolutely there are very different rules that you have to follow for healthcare products. It mostly boils down to what you are claiming, and what the 'class' of your product is as defined by the FDA. You have to go through an extensive process to get certain healthcare products approved b...


I would rather work 80 hours per week on a project I was passionate about than 40 hours a week on a project I didn't care about. You're right, there is no "right answer". You have to know what will get you out of bed each morning and excited to tackle new problems and challenges.


Consider working with social media influencers (either YouTube or Instagram) to get your product out there. Assuming you have a website setup and can sell product directly, micro influencers are are great way to spread awareness and drive people to your website.


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