Hi I have personally used Wordpress for numerous projects - both simple and complicated, and in all cases the websites have worked fine and have been easy to manage. A good place to hire someone to build the website for you at reasonable prices is on Fiverr. Just be sure that you have a very cle...
WordPress MLM plugin features like commission management, distributor network management, payout management, compensation plan management and automation of marketing activities such as lead generation, sales prospecting, and customer relationship management will help you integrate and manage a re...
My firm www.yviral.com is always looking for freelance talent to work with our clients so if you are interested lets discuss. As for a title, Wordpress Expert sounds pretty enticing to me.
Hi, Membership site is a great idea.. I hear about it a lot at the Mixergy Interview. So many signle founders who are bootstarpped started with Membership.,.. I have listened to atleast a dozen of them.. Now the fun part -- Most of them who started with wordpress were not happy. It is a good wa...
I don't know any plugins with that specific feature, but I did want to mention this after reading your description. You can target specific pages/posts with CSS, so you can limit text wrap to your about page. You just need to know the page ID. WordPress includes a page specific class in the body ...
You are right. Any updates on site will require you to think about SEO so there is no lost traffic here is a QA wordpress you can use http://www.designwall.com/wordpress/plugins/dw-question-answer/ Also this is good seo plugin as well https://yoast.com/wordpress/plugins/seo/
Your question, "What is the best Wordpress theme for my blog" is nearly impossible to answer. There are an incredible number of factors that go into website design to influence conversion, sales, and user experience. A theme out of the box probably isn't the "right" answer for long-term success,...
Go for Wordpress initially. -- Custom website will delay your launch plans considering all factors. -- Wordpress can be used to meet your requirements from day 1. -- Once you have enough visitors and decided the revenue model + business objective plan for a customized website to be developed from...
You could probably use any Wordpress theme that had a design and feel you like. I would use a good events plugin such as Calendarize It. That plugin makes it easy to set up a nice calendar of events. You can make specific calendars for each country, category and city. They could view them all on ...
Studio Press has a plethora of great templates, including magazine style.