There is no single best way - that said I prefer to keep in mind that businesses owners get inundated with offers. 100's of emails every day and week - so what are you going to do different..? Instead of cold emailing - just like everyone else - why not set up a webinar and speak to people en mas...
I do what's called a simple "reverse journalist lookup". Step 1: Identify your "sister company". This is what I call a company that is very similar to you but not a direct competitor. Make sure you are different from your sister company. For example You may offer an on-demand snowplowing service...
The honest answer is that it's not hard IF you have a great (remarkable) and cool product. I've placed our products such as DNA11 on csi:NY (entire episode centered around our art), The Amazing Spiderman, Today show and many more. For the most part they contacted us with interest. The way I got u...
So, is the charity whats receiving the funding or is your for-profit company. From the sounds of it, it seems the for-profit company is more important than the for charity. I would raise money for your for-profit company and create a structure that when your "profit" company does "X,"you're not f...
1. It's a nice idea - very similar to Houzz and a few other existing platforms - so you would need to find more of a niche. In order to tell you if it's viable, I/you would need to know how you intend on bringing traffic, what your conversion rate will be (visitor to buyer), how much it costs you...
I have worked in and with insurance companies for more than 10 years in underwriting- and pricingroles and -projects. So I am familiar with how the processes in an insurance company works. For insurance companies in general, they are used to working with external suppliers, so you should be able...
Who do you have the better relationship with? If you know the marketing director, then by all means go for it directly. If you go through the agency, just make sure they have buy in and will be a champion of the idea. If not, then they may not be able to push it through anyway.
I say to pitch the idea or 'outline' first. Have someone (on the payroll) responsible for sourcing opportunities, then ask your bloggers to pitch ideas. (For consistency's sake - consider bringing them together at a daily or weekly meeting?) From there, pitch the ideas to the brands or agencies ...
I like to take a rule from the Steve jobs playbook and use simple circles... one larger than the other but no more than 2. your most immediate target (realistic reachable) and one of the "enemy" competitor company. or overall untapped market cap. **for this to be effective you must provide as acc...