
Results for: pitching

You've answered your own question. Reach out to your prospects with the question, such as "How would you...". Ask what people want then give it to them if you can with integrity and thoughtfulness.


Don't pitch him anything. Find out what he thinks you should do, and ask what he's interested in doing. Maybe he'll suggest avenues for you to pursue. Maybe he'll come round and invest anyway. But there's a good chance you'll both get more out of a casual dinner if it's genuinely a casual din...


You answered your own question yourself. You need some kind of, "data such as adwords conversion rates, cold calling success rates and things like this which would back up your claims" Without any kind of data which you've collected on your MVP, you can't make any statements on growth potential ...


Try local Meetups and local chapters of Startup Grind and Founder Institute. Many of the ones I attend here in Orange County start with pitches from the floor, and there are often several events a week. Bear in mind that all investors are looking to eliminate the following so make sure you addr...


I have used PR agencies and other third party services for my startups in the past. In my experience there is nothing like the founder getting in touch with a journalist directly and 'selling' their product/service with their own passion. PRWeb has done little for me in the past Pitch Pigeon is...


Hello, I will provide you feedback but know that is generally frowned upon to use this platform where people come with real frustrations and hurdles and use it for advertisement. You website has a lot of flaw, granted is a landing page, and it could be greatly improved. Quora is great not only b...


LinkedIn is very good for finding people for all kinds of business relationships, but you encounter most new connections in a very roundabout and indirect way: through your own network. It can be slow going. But I recently found out about Purple Squirrel, which is specifically for job seekers l...


The petal diagram is great for new markets:


A bird in hand is worth two in the bush. But, you're trying to hold the entire bush, keeping birds inside. You want a job, want to work inside the incubator, but don't want to work for startup. I'd advise you to listen to the CEO and try to understand his perspective and preference. But, don't ...


No. My $0.02 is that you're over-engineering a solution to a problem that just isn't that painful to most people. And besides which, you kind of snooker yourself from a customer perspective. As a frequent flier, I always travel light. So you're not targeting the frequent flier. You're targ...


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