
Results for: Amazon

What type of product would you be selling in EU? There are quite some specialised, regional platforms. Coolblue is another Benelux platform e.g.


I think with your future goal in mind which is to eventually have a bigger website with everything from every website, it is better to go with Option 1. Having an umbrella brand and then having sub-brands within it will make it easier for the customers to relate to the brand once you implement yo...


If you sign up with KDP select, you'll be given 5 days where you can drop the price to free. You'll be restricted to only publish on their platform, however. Hit up your email list, use sites like BookBub, or in order to prepare for the discount launch. Start the deal on...


Bear in mind that the approach Amazon took was during a time in which e-commerce was still just taking hold and was far from commonplace. Of course, starting with your own products and building an audience of shoppers gives you some leverage in attracting sellers when you change to a marketpla...


Have you considered providing the book in electronic format. If somebody wants the book and are willing to pay the shipping fee, they get the paper copy, otherwise, it's a download.


Regarding US taxation of internet sales. Since you are a foreign entity or person (in regard to the US), and there is an income tax treaty between Canada and the US, you will not be liable for US federal income tax on internet sales unless you have a “permanent establishment” in the US with which...


Hi there i found a very extensive article where you can order UPC barcodes from Amazon


Everyone thinks they will be the next big billion dollar company. Ideas are worthless without execution. Part of the equity equation will be based on the founders, their track record and how far along the idea is. Other factors include the market, your timing around fundraising and if you have an...


Clinical Decision Support coupled with cost optimization will grow over the next ten years in light of AI and Amazon development. So what do I mean in a practical sense by this? Say you are a patient with abdominal pain. Your doctor thinks you may have a gallstone, but it could also be a kidney ...


Theil invested 500k when Facebook had 9mn users. If you have that, you can raise way more and faster. Historic examples don't help. If you don't have anything developed, you can give away up to 15%, but the days of investing in companies who don't have a product market fit are pretty much over...


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