
Results for: Distribution

Hi, The question of a "good software" package really does require a bit more of a review to ascertain what is suitable to your needs, and I say this after reviewing multiple software packages and business requirement cases in many different verticals and industries. Some of the things you wi...


There are several options available which would work for SaaS. The best one I can suggest is Referral Program. The referral program would need to have Training Documentation well defined as well as marketing material. This would allow you to pay other consultants or individuals to pipe leads or ...


To calculate percentage ownership, take the number of shares you were offered, divide it by the total number of fully diluted shares outstanding. How to allocate share in a start-up: 1. Determine the Founder Equity 2. Vesting Schedules 3. Divide the Equity


Hi The best method in which to learn how to manage your relationship with the distributors, would be to read as many (at least 2-3) distributor agreements - as this will give you a good understanding of what to avoid/focus on/address when dealing with them. You can find some free examples online....


I am the founder of a cosmetic company that bootstrapped from nothing to a 7 figure business. It sounds like you are really at the beginning stages of business and there are a lot of opportunities for you. You've got a lot of work ahead of you and you need to build some infrastructure. Your br...


Great questions. Getting your foot in the door with large brands is usually not an easy task. You can try to find a link to a partnership page on their website and fill out the necessary information, but that is not always fruitful. I would try that as a start. From there, you can look up the co...


Definitely a cost efficient option. And gives you more range to find the skillset you need. With all the tool solidified during COVID there's no reason not to work out. Just pay attention to timezone differences and possible data/security restrictions if this team will access client data. Agree...


If you want to learn about marketing and distribution your product then go for where you will meet many professionals about marketing and strategy about selling your product. where you can ask any question about your business too. they are answering questions with tiny amount. jus...


Hi, Your problem is one of corporate structure. You need to create an organization chart and define the different roles that exist in the business. You then need to fill in your names to each box. The different roles may have salaries or commissions attached, likewise, each partner is likely...


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