
Results for: Early Stage

The best ones that I have used are as follows: O-Desk: This is good for more complex tasks that are still relatively cheap to implement. Fiverr: These are small jobs that cost $5 bucks per gig. Good to get small stuff done fast. I hate to say ...


Mashable is the best blog a tech CEO should connect with. There are literally hundreds of books to sort through and you need to find books specific to what you are doing and what you will connect with.


Hi! First of all, keep going. There will always be dark days, no matter how well funded you are. In fact, once you accept growth capital for equity, you bring on a whole new set of expectations and challenges. Running a startup, as you know, is never easy and it's never as smooth as people m...


I've discussed ideas with hundreds of startups, I've been involved in about a dozen startups, my business is at $1M+ revenue. The bad news is, there is no good way to protect ideas. The good news is, in the vast majority of cases you don't really need to. If you're talking to people about your ...


Absolutely, I've got you covered! With over a decade of experience in the startup ecosystem, here are some real-world strategies that have proven effective in attracting and retaining pre-seed SaaS startups with $40k+ revenue: 1. Get Personal: Think of your outreach like making friends. It's all...


Not exactly sure what you mean. Typically you get an exit either because the company in which you invested is acquired or it goes public (there are other options, but those are the normal ones). Angel investors usually consider the acquisition potential when making an investment. If there are a l...


Consider reaching out to companies like Foodem and Root. Perhaps you've never heard of these names, but i've always liked Foodem's b2b model and for some reason I've always liked their videos, who knows... Root happens to have a great product (and team btw) Eric is a great guy, I'm sure he'd be h...


The questions seem quite open. Usually funds and serious institutions place description of the required fields, or at least underlined examples of what they expect. You have answered the questions above, although I suggest structuring it and revising it. Have someone within the details of the bu...


Hi: It can be tough to focus on a market niche at first, especially when you believe in your solution. Yet your best results will come from focus--and you can expand later. Key considerations for you as you make your choice: * Where have you gotten the most customer validation for your platform? ...


It really depends on your thinking. If we have the mindset that something or someone is going to annnoy us, then it probably will. The reason being is because you have already turned your power over. However, if we keep the mindset that we will not let things interfere with our emotions negativel...


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