Sounds ambitious! What are the key challenges for you? Are you able to develop the product yourself, and just looking for ideas of how to grow it to millions of users? Or do you need to find people to build the product/app itself? There are lots of resources available for both.
The first thing to understand is if they're looking to be a venture funded startup. Not all startups plan to raise money. If they have in the past, then issues equity is very standard and they should bring it up - if they havent, you can ask. If they aren't looking to raise capital, then having...
Happy to offer a call to discuss specific questions you have. It seems you have several regarding product, solutions and funding?
Market to your niche, talking about the same problems your beta clients signed on to get fixed. These are called "pain points" and are valuable language. Anyone in the situation will instantly pay attention to you. Note that I am saying you should talk about the problem(s), not the features of ... - this is probably your best bet. I wouldn't use a website though. I'd talk to entrepreneurs and creators of high tech textiles in the USA. Look specifically at and Klymit jacket. Reach out to those founders and learn as much as possible. Both of th...
It needs some basic revision to eliminate errors. For starters, the tag line "Changing the way how online businesses perform..." ought to be either "the way" or "how" – not both. Even so, that's a bit vague. Rather than hire an editor, hire a writer. I'm not cheap, but I'd do it for you if y...
It is not. Clarity Answers is not meant to be a place for advertising.