
Results for: Mobile applications

It's generally not worth supporting additional languages at launch. Why add extra work when you don't even know if the network will take-off in English? Best to minimize the complexity for launch.


Typically Apple and Google will consider coins and credits a type of digital currency. Under their terms and services these types of products in an application must be transacted through the AppStore and Play Store so they get the 30% cut. When I worked for Groupon, building their Android appli...


If you're just working on an MVP you can use a freelancer sight like Upwork, but you have to be careful in your hiring. 1) Post a job stating everyone that applies should give you their github / bitbucket username and Trello username. 2) For the top 5 most promising people to apply, give them a...


It's hard to fully understand the background of your question, but in general, it sounds like you want this company to start a pilot program with your service. To get them to be willing to start a new pilot program with your service, you'll need to make something that solves the problems that exi...


1. Talk to a lawyer who can write you a proper licensing agreement. 2. Charging should be around $10,000 per year or $50,000 one-off fee if you are scarce for money. It could also be $50,000 per year though, but this depends on how big of a budget you think the licensee has. Try to find that out ...


My 2 favourite are: - - Flinto is by far my favorite for mobile. I also us for anything wireframe. Sometimes I jump into Sketch for more high fidelity mockups using their Mirror feature http://www.bohemiancodin...


I would think that they market the you are attempting to target would dictate what the best platform to start would be. Without knowing your market or idea, this is impossible to say. Both mobile and desktop apps have their benefits and traffic/search opportunities, but only if targeted correct...


Great question - my firm builds and helps migrate/support dozens of mobile apps each year. There are several questions that need to be answered before a reliable estimate can be given. For example, are you strictly seeking a native mobile app? If so, which platforms? Will the mobile apps shar...


Apple will allow a developer to register 100 UDID devices per 12 month cycle to test via TestFlight or HockeyApp. Having started with TestFlight, I would really encourage you NOT to use it, and go directly to HockeyApp. HockeyApp is a much better product. There is also enterprise distribution ...


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