
Results for: New Business Development

Do it now! I don't know your life situation but there's no reason why you can't just continue to try and validate the idea by generating a few early leads and seeing what people are willing to pay before launching into your first project?


Great question. Seeing how I'm sure that you value the experts time, just as you value yours, I'll be happy to share some interesting ideas, together with what is going on in my country, during a call. Best of luck I've successfully helped over 350 entrepreneurs, startups and businesses, and I ...


One of the best ways to POC the service: I would sign up a few retailers and work through platforms like Upwork or Fiverr to get the job done. It will be time intensive, but the validation will be well worth the effort.


Drop Shipping businesses are good to start with. Handling the business from a garage or home per se is always a better way to start business. Before entering into such businesses make sure you are way clear about the commissions from each portal (Amazon, Alibaba, Etsy, etc) are giving away. Readi...


If you're an entrepreneur starting out, you CANNOT outsource sales and marketing. If you are not able to sell your own product, the business that YOU created, no one else will. Furthermore, if you haven't even tried selling yourself, how do you even begin to understand what the characteristics of...


Making a new company will cost some money up front with no certainty of commercial success. A simple workaround, if you both know and trust each other, is to make a shareholder's agreement for the company to be incorporated and a contract saying how the shares will be divided. Since you're the ...


You don't need a hotel license. You run your business as a lead generator and leverage the licenses this the owner already pays. The dues are already being paid for the rest of the units so you don't need to compensate the owner additionally for the licenses. You however are a contractor who simp...


Take a SMALL deposit upfront (the actualy - not marked-up cost - of the materials. That way if they skip out on you at least you didn't lose anyting. Second, you won't give them back their car until they pay, so you always have their vehicle as collateral. The point at which you buy materials...


The ways I've done this in the past are 1) Find some customers that are willing to hire you (or your product) but know that you'll only be free nights & weekends to support/work with them. 2) Find a "partner" (co-founder or other) that's got a flexible schedule that can help build the business wh...


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