
Results for: Platforms

You can charge $2.33 per 30 secs So if you get 200 visitors per day, you can expect to make $464 per banner ad. Tho, There are many conditions that can change this calculation.


Truly educational and social impact projects are wonderful ways to impact on the society. recently, i did a project on MENTAL HEALTH ACTION PLAN with WHO under the International MUN platform as a volunteer and it was wonderful experience because i used social marketing strategies to move my proje...


There are a many ways to setup payment in online marketplace. Here are a few examples: 1. Use a credit card processing service - This is the most common way to handle payments, and it's easy to set up. You just need to sign up with a reputable company and enter your billing and shipping informat...


Good question Brian. I am always a fan of a free trials or even better, the free tier. The later you have to watch out as you could be stuck a situation where you can't convert people to the higher tiers, but all in all what you are trying to do is show people the value your product provides and ...


Where possible, I recommend getting it to work in a specific region. I.e. If this was Uber, I'd focus on London or a specific city to work on. If this was a cleaning service - I'd focus on a particular area where possible. The stages of a successful business don't differ - your product market fi...


Niche down! Find a way to appeal to a certain demographic. You can't compete with Messenger or Whatsapp when it comes to their reach. But you can compete on features or how you position your product. Add features to your product that the bigger products don't have. it could be something lik...


You need to think about the user experience for the first 50 people, as you are doing. If you're not solving a problem for them, then there is no value, so the user base will not grow. It's always easy to envision a product or service which if you have e.g 1m users is valuable; but the hard part...


What's the business model for the freelancing platform? Have you looked at They are a startup concierge matchmaking subscription service for founders looking to share equity or cash/equity splits with contributors. Are you familiar with I thin...


You can find startup job / cofounder opportunities at these sites: (choose the 'remote' option) If you'd like to talk about startup culture in general, or a specific idea you have an...


I have quite a bit of experience with this. My advice is to create a plug in tool that can be licensed not just in the entertainment vertical but other similar verticals. That's one key way to develop clients that will never leave you because it will be part of their business. Then as a business...


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