Hi, I think you already know the answer to this as you spent the most time on the third option and you are correct. The Internet is awash with too much information for buyers, they have information overload. So you should concentrate on niche websites for 2 reasons. The first being ease of use fo...
Hi there, I'm gonna tell you the truth: there's not any "proven well converting sales funnel" at all! Don't waste time on that question, is the wrong question you're asking yourself. As the founder of a Conversion Rate Optimization company, having worked on hundreds of different websites and e-c...
You've answered your own question. Reach out to your prospects with the question, such as "How would you...". Ask what people want then give it to them if you can with integrity and thoughtfulness.
1. First you need to establish who you are. Your identity. Then you need to create identity for cookies that you are making. What makes them so special? Is there something really different about them? Is it your grandmothers recipe that uses X and Y ingredients? 2. People need to know who you ar...
I've found that with the saturation of retail on social media sites in general, the best way to make a sale is to target the right people who are already looking for what you offer... For you: I'd recommend using highly targeted Facebook Ads (Target by age & gender plus any other things you know...
I have been approached to advise companies with this arrangement. In the arrangement I was considering, the options simply turned to ownership but there was an end date by which the distribution had to be paid. Hope that helps!
Hi there! In my experience, governance is often considered a function of a legal department, so approaching a VP Legal, or an Ombudsman/Business Compliance Manager may be of value. They'd warm to a risk-reduction positioning, with the compelling factor of avoiding legal issues, government fines,...
There are no real "hacks" to reaching customers. It's just a bunch of hard work -- in 4 real steps: 1. Strategy -- identify what makes you unique / how you drive unique value to that "dream client" 2. Process -- put in place the steps to email / call / connect with them 3. Tools -- use smart to...
In this business environment, a “corporate buyer” will be looking at your net income and value you based on a multiple of such. For example if the company generated $500,000 but only earned $75,000, you may be looking at a value of $200-$300,000 from a corporate buyer. It also depends on whether ...
First define "successful" and make sure others would see it as the same. If growth is stagnating, that's not what success looks like in an app. The only way you have a chance at selling it at anything above "fire sale prices" is you can say that you have enough actively engaged users, which i...