
Results for: Startups

How to best market your product will depend largely on what your product is, and how far along you are in having a 'minimum viable product' (MVP: For instance, word of mouth advertising at your college may be the best route, but below is a ge...


Do it now! I don't know your life situation but there's no reason why you can't just continue to try and validate the idea by generating a few early leads and seeing what people are willing to pay before launching into your first project?


Hi there, Congrats on the new venture! Seems like you're making some awesome progress already. If you're looking to incorporate a startup, feel free to check out a company I started called LawTrades ( -- in short, we help startups get legal stuff done. We work specific...


Everyone does this. For example, take the entire LAMP ecosystem. You could write your own Linux + Apache + MariaDB + PHP + OpenSSL + WordPress... Or you can just use these, as they currently exist. Same applies to ideas. Dan Kennedy is found of saying, "Pioneers come back riddled with arrows...


Just do it. Ideas are a dime a dozen. Actual implementations are rare as Purple Lemmings. If you do something... anything... to move your startup to the first sale mark, you're well ahead of most. Only real consideration is massive action generates massive cash.


Assuming you're utilizing some sort of native app to display that QR code you could consider finding a way to incentive the user to make sure they continue to use the application, regardless of what the gym offers or suggests "off-app" once they get in the door. Maybe adding a layer of gamificat...


I have built the revenue of client companies as well as my own startups and built a consumer-facing company to $9M in five years. 1. Never rely on friends and family input 2. Do the Due Diligence 3. Know your product's core customer 4. Justify the value your product provides to its core customer ...


Fair Share is good but a partnership or even a director position is something you may want to think about based on the value add the legend will do to your business apart from lending his name. However if your business is going to piggy back on his name & reputation and he is not offering any in...


Number one way is talk to people in your network, they don't have to be in SV. You might be surprised who actually knows who, once you start asking. Outside of that you can try looking on platforms like and or use, hope this helps! Call me for more help!


I always recommend to continue working on the business in parallel with keeping an eye out for a cofounder. As you continue to move forward, it will become easier to get others interested and passionate about joining you. Keep potential cofounders that you may have already met updated on progre...


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