No-Skill-Guitar: Get a [guitar (Jasmine S35 Acoustic Guitar)] + [chord buddy (] + [electronic tuner (Intelli IMT500)]. Any time you hear a good song, look up the chords for free on, save the page as a .pdf, and you'll be able to play the song right away on the g...
First of all I want to clarify one thing on your question that I believe it's not accurate: SaaS is a way to deliver technology (products) not a business model. The counter part of SaaS is on-premise or legacy, which is not a business model but how you deliver your product. For example, Salesfor...
Answer your own questions by talking to your target market. They'll tell you. If you won't do this now, what chance do you have to succeed? You'll have to talk to prospects if you want to make sales--do you think they'll just come to your door because you put up a shingle? Ask your target mark...
Theil invested 500k when Facebook had 9mn users. If you have that, you can raise way more and faster. Historic examples don't help. If you don't have anything developed, you can give away up to 15%, but the days of investing in companies who don't have a product market fit are pretty much over...
This is a good question and always pops up in many projects. We always try to look at the customer life time value as the long term KPI. In most businesses 20 % of your valuable customers account for 80 % of the overall sales. It helps to identify those customers, by setting up a clear funnel ana...
I recently went trough this with and previously with Find a channel that already carries one side and, find out if you can 'borrow' their content or access to people. For example you can scrape yellow pages listings for car dealerships ( filling u...
Depends on where your team resides. In SF, you could use an average of $135k for all-in costs for each employee. In Toronto, you could probably drop that by 20-30k per person. But there are so many other factors related to burn beyond headcount that just using a headcount cost + overheard to e...
I would suggest you search for and read out blogs. I can't think of any entrepreneurs who aren't also blogging. I have two blogs: and
I think you will likely get many different answers to this question, but my personal believe is that if you are building a software-based business and you don't have experience and you don't already have the right connections, your best shot at success is going to be if you do all the technical w...
A high level / quick answer - write your idea out, understand what the plan is. What will your company do? How will you make money? What will be your approximate costs? The plan will change over time but have clear view. - create a corporate entity like a llc to protect yourself (check wit...