
Results for: Startups

No reason whatsoever. Sacrificing all of your time (consequently trading that in for your health) is a very dangerous and unsustainable approach. I've seen many entrepreneurs burn out quickly because of this. When I'm coaching other entrepreneurs, I always encourage putting yourself first (food,...


There is a tremendous amount of buzz surrounding content marketing and its need within a brand’s overall marketing strategy. Doing content marketing is much more than publishing on your blog occasionally and posting your thoughts on social media. “Do stuff and maybe it will work” is not a strate...


"Is it worth my time?" Given that the compensation from an advisory board is equity in a private company with no actual market for it's securities, this is really the most important question. The likelihood that advisory board compensation will result in real financial compensation is very low,...


Generally bootstrapped startups should avoid salespeople, for a few reasons: a. they typically can't afford the base and overall comp required to attract sales people who can actually sell / or afford to support them with marketing, management, etc b. it will be very difficult to find the rare pe...


Hello, If you have time, I suggest that you learn coding yourself. That saves you money but takes a great amount of time to do. And if your interested, I'm a coder myself. You can give me a call and we'll discuss the details of your idea.


I like the way you framed this question. Staying calm, always leads to better decisions being made. The best way to maintain a "calm" state is to do your best to look at your business from a completely detached view. Having a talk with myself or anyone else well-reviewed on Clarity can bring n...


The items that you're talking about in this situation would be immaterial in my opinion. Before you even get to the technicalities of accounting properly for something like this, do you really want to start a new business where your first transactions on your financial statements are transferrin...

Continue has the most thorough and reliable database of consumer information available. You can drill in further by segmenting demographic, psychographic and geographic variables. Always use any purchased lists with caution to make sure you adhere to the Do Not Call list. Further informatio...


We both know that hosting is very application specific, and that quality of service varies drastically between providers, yet you'll always find individuals who treat it as a mere commodity. The true value of the host isn't predicated just on their performance characteristics, but also their acce...


Well, lets work backwards: Structure is pretty simple: 4 year vest, 1 year cliff, for a percentage of the company that will match their commitment and unique contribution to the success of the venture. Running it by them is pretty simple: Tell everyone you can about the problem, the assumption...


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