
Results for: Startups

What matters is the _ratio_ of UX to benefit. For example, if the user will benefit immensely from your product (e.g. they will automatically get $1 million once they find their way to a certain part of your website and click a button), then they will be willing do deal with a pretty horrible U...


More or less correct that in raising seed, that most companies that successfully raise, fall into two camps: either a conceptual raise (with little to no evidence) or a traction-raise. The conceptual raise is almost always easier but puts most emphasis on the founder(s) which means that without ...


Likely what you're really asking is how to do effective lead generation. Where "effective" means locating new clients at near zero cost who can pay you $1000s every month, week, day or hour. Simple solution. Get in front of groups of people with money. Simple way to do this. Join https://Meet...


The first thing to understand is if they're looking to be a venture funded startup. Not all startups plan to raise money. If they have in the past, then issues equity is very standard and they should bring it up - if they havent, you can ask. If they aren't looking to raise capital, then having...


It depends on what are you testing by launching MVP. MVP is use to run an experiment to test (validate / invalidate) business assumptions (Customer, problem, solution , channel ... assumptions). If your are interested, I can share some material about MVP and validating business assumptions


Thanks for your question. If things go well the boss will find out anyway, so you may as well assume you will do well and have a conversation with him now. Now we don't know enough about your idea to really advise well enough, but in general I'd try and position it as a 'weekend hobby', and as so...


Without more information on your intention and the target market's use for the application, itself, the simple answer is "yes." Many digital products available for US consumers are developed/launched outside of the States.


Hello, I'm sure everyone has their own approach but in my opinion, not taking orders when there is an obvious demand is ludicrous - BUT there is a way to do it properly to maximize the "hype". Gaining followers on social media is not as powerful as gaining actual potential buyers. What I would r...


The job description of your ideal person is pretty vague. You've told us about YOUR background, and some of your marketing tools, but we don't know a thing about what you're looking for. -A Killer -Startup Experience -Industry Contacts -Act with Urgency But who are you looking for?


I've been in a very similar situation as yourself. In our case the company split into two for better operational flow. I was the CEO of one company and was trying to figure out how to structure the other one. Unfortunately, the answer to many of your questions depends on further details. But I'...


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