I have become a Stripe convert. The simplicity and straight forward pricing is great. The platform works seamlessly. Previously I was a big proponent of Paypal but now after a few months with Stripe I am not ever going back. I have not had one issue at all compared to having at least a dozen issu...
Q) What info would a buyer need in order to make an offer? Unsolicited offers rarely start out as offers. They start as conversations. Cold inbounds from potential acquirers are usually done to establish some facts and also willingness to entertain an offer. They need to have enough informatio...
I agree with the answer above on test first. Also, David's advice to have a business strategy is key. I'd start from user needs. Do people need (ok, want) this service in the area you might provide it? As a woman and a cosmetics designer, I can attest that most women want this service, but you ...
The first thing to understand is if they're looking to be a venture funded startup. Not all startups plan to raise money. If they have in the past, then issues equity is very standard and they should bring it up - if they havent, you can ask. If they aren't looking to raise capital, then having...
The best way to build an MVP is to distill the solution to the smaller unit of value to deliver something to a customer. Start small, time box it and focus on solving the problem at it's core even if it's ghetto (I call the best MVP's ghetto but useful). Here's an image that represents my think...
Here are two possible avenues: (a) ExitRound (b) Listing profiles as team of developers available for hire together on DeveloperAuction
You get the bravery to do the thing by doing the thing. Stop being in analysis paralysis and just get on with it. You build a business one step at a time, one action at a time. Just get on with it. Stop worrying about whether it will be profitable or not. You either want the thing or you don't...
This is a very important issue. Vesting and commitment should be decided upfront and in consensus. While I could tell you my experiences with founders, I would encourage you to first read this two posts on vesting: http://www.feld.com/archives/2005/05/term-sheet-vesting.html http://www.naffzig...
Hi! For starters I don't think clarity was meant really as a C2C (customer to customer) consulting platform. I'm pretty sure it was meant to be only for experts in a topic to provide expert advice to non experts. Now we have a ton of non experts providing their opinions. Some are great while som...
A good question. The fact that you don't have revenue yet may be result of a number of factors. Without knowing more specific information about your product, key customer segments, your team, and other key data, it's not possible to give you a definite continue/or shut down recommendation. ...