
Results for: Online Marketing

Common issues are: * Sending the wrong message to a specific target group * The product/service is too complicated or not appealing enough * The reputation is not there - case studies, testimonials and actual reviews More expensive products and services need a solid portfolio of existing custom...


Primary Marketing Rule - Everything revolves around benefits, not features. People pay for benefits. If you write a course about programming using some tech like React or Django or Node... likely your income will be much lower than starting with a benefit. So... A benefit might be.. "How to to...


Good question. However, I think the better question should be; what system and thought process do I need to have for my Company Because. Marketing is just one small factor of your enterprise. Each and every single part of your business needs to be working on all cylinders. Below is a System ...


Love this! You've already got active students which is a great starting place. Just a couple of clarifying questions: - Do you have a separate email list for your students outside of the list gained from giving out the eBook? This could be where your promoter marketing can begin. - Is 'active ...


Hi, Another option you have is start looking at creating a simple website, average expense should cost minimum $90 per month with the option to buy online. As for a free starter, i would recommend Marketplace or Amazon best. You would be having a clear idea of the market offers and you would also...

Continue is a great resource for any knowledge level. They offer advice spanning from strategic level through to in-depth technical tutorials.


You have a lot of options to market to boomers and seniors. That age group is facebook's fastest growing segment. Build ads that target that age group and think about having a facebook page to supplement your efforts there. Older people search just like the rest of us as well, so build an adwor...


Very interesting concept. You need to understand the value proposition of your product to understand who is the stakeholder that you'll benefit the most. As I see it from your short description you will be obtaining lots of data from the end users (customers). This data is not really of interest ...


Hi! This question is somewhat similar to another one I just answered. I think it will give you good idea/insight so check it out here Also, if you have Instagram (people there are visual and there to be enterta...


I've set up a number of online courses, and also supported other business owners in their online course creation and hosting. This is a huge topic with a number of variables. You may decide to host your course on your own Wordpress platform, in which case you'll need: - a website (if you don't a...


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